My Supports

There are many factors in my environment that are supportive to me, but overall, I consider my most important support to be my family and friends that I am close too. My parents, husband, siblings, cousins and few close friends are my support and there are many benefits that I have from having them in my life. Without them I would not be as confident and motivated to pursue or accomplish anything. They provide support for me by providing me with love, open ears, and open minds. With the people who provide me with support, I learn to give and take with others in a healthy way, so I may be a good support to others who may need me.
To live without the supports that I have mentioned would be extremely difficult; currently the only support I see on a daily basis is my husband, and I am very thankful for him. Last year I moved from California to New York. In California (where I was born and raised), I was surrounded by my support on a daily basis, I would see my parents, siblings, and friends. Moving across the country has showed me the importance of support and how much support one needs in their lives to be content. It has been a challenge, but I have learned to create a support. Of course I keep in touch with the people who motivated me and were role models to me, but all in all, moving showed me the importance of support, and how hard it is to live without support.


  1. Hi Angela,
    Thank you for sharing. A question that I have is how do you keep a balance in your life with work, school and family?

  2. Hi Angela,
    Moving in to a new city is already hard on me, so I can only imagine moving to a new state must be challenging. I am so appreciative to technology these days where you can facetime, e-mail, and text messages to our family of support system to get through each day. I remember as a young child when we moved away to another state and my dad stayed back a few months on how hard it was not seeing him for awhile. Having cell phones to call someone when you need just a pep talk helps get through those challenging times.

  3. Hi Angela,

    I cannot imagine being away from my family, we all live in Georgia, different parts, but nowhere over 25 miles. My niece moved to Florida and there was no family to help her in the summer months when her child was out of school, so I volunteered for a couple of years, I realized the position she was in without family close by. Sometimes the things your family will do to help are things we would never think to ask a friend. Although some friends become family.

    The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life.-Richard Bach


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