my family culture

In an event of a major catastrophe, I would be happy just to have my family near and close to me. But if I were able to choose three items to take with me, I would first choose family pictures. Family pictures will always remind me of good times that I had with my family and show how much we have grown over years. I may take photos that represent special events, like, weddings, communions, christenings and baby pictures. The second item I would take is a small cross that I always have hung above my front door. This is something that my family considers important to us because it means that God is watching us as we come and leave the house. It also means to us that the cross will keep us safe always (my family and I are catholic). The third item I would take is my necklace with the evil eye on it. In my culture the eye wards away evil and people who have the evil eye for you. A lot of different cultures have the same thing just in different representations. Italians use a red pepper to ward off evil. It’s an old idea that generations continue to keep alive.
If I had to keep only 1 of the 3 keepsakes, I would keep the photos. Because those to me are very important and are proof of memories from our past. The pictures show our culture and how we express ourselves and what make us happy. In the picture we may be at a church, this is why I may not need the cross keepsake. In another picture, my evil eye necklace may show. This is all proof of my culture and my keepsakes.


  1. I agree, I would be happy just to have my family near to me as well during a catastrophe. Photos are priceless. Memories are cherished and they are all the more important to hold dear to you. Your culture is deep within you no matter where you are. Keepsakes just help make the memories more clear! Great blog post!

  2. Although we may share different cultures, I see photos are important to all cultures. Photos are memories that will never be forgotten, especially for those members of the family that are no longer with us(deceased). It always bring great Joy just to be able to reflect on the pass through pictures!


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