Perspectives on diversity and culture

Based on the responses that I got from communicating with others and asking about their perspective on culture and diversity, I have learned that they all have a basic understanding of what those words means; where one comes from, their backgrounds and nationality. One person I asked was an American, and she told me that she didn’t believe that she was very diverse, but that she had a lot of culture based on what traditions that her family does in their household. All interviewers agreed that culture and diversity were completely different ideas and were not connected.
The people that I asked to give me their definitions of culture and diversity were not in the field of education. This is why their opinions did not affect my thinking on the topics. With the information that I learned from the course, I was able to inform and help educate my friends with information that they did know before.


  1. What ethnicity were the other 2 that you had the opportunity to interview?

    1. sorry, I should of included the other 2 ethnicities. They were Hispanic and Middle Eastern.


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