Practicing Awareness of Microaggressions
This situation happened to me last year, and it is a
microagression, this example was also used in the Laureate (2011) video. Dr.
Sue mentioned that after one of his speeches, a woman came up to him and asked
him where he was from because he spoke perfect English. The woman could not
believe that he was born and raised in the states. I feel that this has
happened to me in the past, as me having the power and the other person being
marginalized. I was in a shuttle with someone who was from Asia, but for the
whole ride home from the airport, there was no talking. As the person was
leaving the shuttle, they started speaking in English to the driver. I was
shocked, I thought for sure this person was from Asia and just visiting, I could
not believe they spoke perfect English. Afterwards, I began to think to myself,
why did I judge that person in that way without thinking twice and I could not
explain it. Now from this lesson, I have learned that this is microaggression. This
weeks lesson of microaggression, has helped me to understand that almost
everyone has microaggression or has been in uncomfortable situations because of
a persons lack of knowledge of their culture.
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