Anti-Bias Situations

A couple years ago, I treated my 4-year-old cousin to frozen yogurt. While we were sitting and eating, she said, “Why does that girl look like a boy”. Although I noticed the woman walking in, I hoped that my cousin would not notice, because she was innocent and would be of course curious. When she made the comment, I took my hand and covered her mouth out of embarrassment, so that she would not say anything else. I realized that the only reason she said the comment was because she was young, and had not been familiar with any other adults besides her immediate family.
The message that I probably sent to the child was, to not say rude and inappropriate comments out loud that might be offensive to others. I later tried to explain to her that there are a lot of people that may be different in the world, but it is not nice to judge them without getting to know them. I then explained to her that we are all human, and we are allowed to dress in ways that help to express ourselves. I found it hard to explain something like this to her because she was so young and I was not her mother.
An anti-bias educator might have responded to situation in a more calm way. They may have also been more patient and helped the child to understand the situation in not a frantic or chaotic manor. In the situation I was embarrassed and covered her mouth, but an anti-biased educator most likely would not have done that. They would of found the situation to be a learning experience. In explaining the situation in a educational and calm manor, you are creating change (the cycle of liberation) that will be long lasting.


  1. Hello Angie,

    I enjoyed reading your post! I'm glad that you was able to discuss with your cousin the importance of not judging other individuals. Sometimes parents may shy away from have such teachable moments with their children. How do you think early childhood professionals can properly execute the cycle of liberations?


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