Personal Childhood Web

#1&2: My mom and dad were big influences on me growing up and still to this day. My parents are very nurturing, but education and school was not a joke to them. So since I was a child, they have always instilled the idea in my head that college is a must and that I needed to choose a career that I would be happy in (thats why I added the picture of me as a child playing the role of a doctor). I have a great relationship with my parents, I always go to them when I need help and advice. They always cared for me and encouraged me to grow in my social life and also in my education, they were always supporting me. They always made me feel very special and loved, even when I made mistakes, they always made it a learning experience for me. To this day, even though I am married, they continue to teach and advise me in what is right and wrong. They pushed me to pursue my masters and I love them very much.

#3: My grandma has always been a major part of my life, and still is. She is sweet and kind and was always someone I felt like I could talk to as a friend. She babysat me a lot growing up, so she watched and helped me grow into an adult. She influenced my life because she taught me that I should not be fearful of anyone or anything that my appear in my future. My grandma was always straight forward and never sugar coated anything, thats why I always asked her questions and for advice in anything. She always made me feel special, because she was always there for every important event in my life. Her influence continues to impact my present life, because she instilled in me to be fearless but at the same time kind.

#4: My teachers were always and are still are a HUGE influence in my life. There is only one teacher that I remember vividly and she was the one who influenced me the most. My 1st grade teacher, Mrs. Swanson, was my favorite teacher. She cared for me and helped me grow in many ways. She always made it a point to give me positive feedback, even when I really did not do my best, but she saw that I really tried my best. She never raised her voice, and was always kind, but strict. I think she is the reason I want to be a teacher and work with young children. I want to help children learn, in the same way she helped me. She made me feel special because she always made me feel like I was the only student in the room, but she did have the same effect on everyone. She has impacted my present life, because now, I want to teach 1st grade, as she taught me, and I want to be a positive help to my students.


  1. Your relationship to your grandmother sounds very similar to mine. She sounds like a wonderful woman full of years of experiences ready to be shared with you. I love that she does not sugar coat anything for you. That can be helpful when looking for a straight forward answer.


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