the international early childhood field

In the past eight weeks, I have been learning more and more about the international organization that I chose, UNICEF. Before this course, I had no idea that websites like this even made a difference or helped children in positive ways. Through research and learning more about the website, it has showed me that being an advocate for children around the world is important and that there are small ways in helping to support such organizations. The three consequences of learning about the international early childhood field is: 
1. being aware of what children are going through around the world, and knowing what they are facing when it comes to their education. In seeing the hardships that they go through, one can advocate, and help organizations so that children may have the chance at a better education. On the organizations websites, they show ways in which one can help to advocate for the children who need help and are struggling due to the lack of resources to become academically successful. 
2. the second consequence of learning about the international early childhood field for my professional development is being aware of other organizations that I can look into to expand my knowledge on the different international organizations that make positive impacts on children around the world. 
3. The third consequence of learning about the international early childhood field is understanding that not only is there hardship and struggling for children in the United States, it is happening around the world. One way to advocate and start to make small changes is in your own classroom. To help children and their families and to provide them with the resources needed so that they may have a high quality education regardless of if they are in poverty or not. What I mean by this is, all children should have access to high quality programs, and in order to make big changes around the world, one needs to make positive changes in their own classrooms. 
The one goal that I have that is related to the field about international awareness is, as I learned about international organizations through this course, I would like to let others know about these organizations and the changes that they can make. In reading my peers blogs about the international organizations that they chose, I have learned that every organization is different, but they all have one thing in common, and that is to make a positive impact in the lives of children around the world. 


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