Seinfeld based on verbal and nonverbal communication

The show that I am basing this blog on is Seinfeld. When watching the show without sound, I noticed that the characters make a lot of facial expressions, more than typical shows that I watch. A lot of the expressions are surprised or look aggressive, in my opinion. There also seems to be a lot going on and a lot of excitement or action based on their facial expressions and the way they move. What I mean by the way they move is, they are pacing back and forth, and use hand gestures a lot. This may also be because the show takes place in New York City, where this may be normal.
When watching the show with the sound on, I notice that there isn’t as much action as I thought, just a lot of humor, and exaggeration in simple situations. The characters are also New Yorkers, so they tend to exaggerate their gestures and accents naturally. I feel that I assumed correctly about the characters, they show a lot of emotion, this may not mean that there is action, but due to comedy or funny situations. I think that if I had watched this show often and knew the characters more, I may have made better assumptions.


  1. Hi Angela. I haven't seen this show in forever. This is a show that I really doesn't like. But when I have watched it, you're right, there is a lot of facial expressions and movements that does goes on in the show. Just watching a show with no sound and seeing a lot of movements, you would think that there is a lot going on and then you listen to it with sound it's a different situation. You have made some very interesting facts. Great post.


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